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Peltier National Onyx Marbles (Slags)

Characterized by a transparent base glass mixed with opaque white the base glass can be brown, blue, green, aqua, purple, red, and yellow, lavender, orange, teal and gray along with at least two distinct varieties of aqua and 3 distinct varieties of green one of which is brightly fluorescent under ultra violet light . While early slags are sometimes hard to distinguish as to who made them Peltier's have the "whispy" characteristic to the white glass.

National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyxe
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
National Onyx
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